Thursday 18 August 2016

Silver fox just bought your coconuts

Huffle didn't sleep well last night. Too much going on in that silly head of his. I know what it's like to have something in there that you know is not worth losing sleep about, but there is nothing you can do. Hopefully he will sleep better tonight.

I'm officially bored of the Summer Holidays now. They are just TOO LONG! The kids don't want to do much, I'm too hot to do much. I'm desperate to go for a good long walk but it's so sticky again. I managed to drag the kids out to go to the library today but we went in the car which is very bad but Small's leg hurt from yesterday's football. We sat in the library, me reading a magazine, Small writing his book review and Smallest looking for a book and waiting patiently wile MrRude talked and talked to the bored librarian.

When we got home I sent the boys outside to get some fresh air and maybe a bit of exercise. They played wth the swingball and on the swing before they came in complaining it was too hot. They cleaned a bathroom each while I made dinner. Today we had our main dinner at 2pm because of Smallest's football game. After dinner the boys and I played Monopoly. Smallest and I lost badly and we were dropping money from the bank onto the floor to try and help us out as Small beat us easily. Small got quite annoyed with us for not taking the game seriously. Whoops.

Smallest's game was at a place about 50 minutes drive away and started earlier than normal (plus of course they had to be there 40 minutes before the game) so we had to leave at 5:15pm. The game was in a lovely park with lots of different sports fields, playing parks, splash pad and meandering paths. Small and I went and had a little walk while I let him catch some Pokemon before the game. We took our tea with us and sat and ate that while the game was on. Coach made a point of welcoming me to the game, I said nothing!!!!! Smallest got told off for not bringing the correct colour socks. I would have liked to have told the coach that his email only stated to bring a blue shirt, not socks but I was a good girl. It seems that the yellow socks he wore were lucky though because he played brilliantly tonight and his team won. The second game won in nearly a whole season (same team both times we later found out).

I had a Grandma and a pregnant mum on one side of me and Small and Huffle on the other. They all created a lot of noise. It was nice to have a win. Lots of smiley faces at the end. Everyone is happy again.

More Olympics, a bit of Bourne film, a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh


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