Thursday 19 January 2017

Driving on water

I was woken by Smallest crawling in to bed and trying to warm his freezing cold hands on me. Brrrrrrr. He had already had breakfast and collected his stuff together but was looking for someone to squeeze the toothpaste for him (it was at the end of the tube). Small didn't want to get out of bed this morning apparently. Too many early mornings for him lately. Oh well, it's another PA day tomorrow so kids are off from school. Really? They've only just got back from Christmas.

I really really ached from yesterday. Shoulders, bum, abs, quads. OUCH OUCH OUCH? The only thing that made me feel better was that ExerciseNic also felt sore! I had a lovely slow easy morning as the bus was running so I didn't need to get dressed (though I did take Small to school yesterday in my PJ bottoms, eeeugh, not just my bottoms). I waved the little darlings off, had breakfast, cleared the kitchen of everyone's debris and watched Unforgotton. I even had time to straighten my hair, make my packed lunch and a mint/chamomile/ginger tea to take with me later. I also finished off the family Christmas Jigsaw all by myself WHOOPS.

Late morning I drove to school and collected four Dodgeball kids (Small included) and headed to Port Perry for the tournament. Their first game was at 12 in a small gym split into two. Our school had two teams and they played on different ends and different sides so it made it quite difficult to watch. It was extremely noisy and there were not enough seats for everyone to sit.

Therefore, I left and walked around the lovely town of Port Perry. I happened to text NoCustard just to see if she was around and luckily she was sitting having coffee, so I joined her. She was with some friends but I scared them away and we sat and chatted for a while before she left and went home for lunch. I decided to stay and walk around, say hello to MrsM, buy some British items for the kids, visit the wool shop, peruse a couple of other shops and walk to the lake to take some photos. The lake was frozen with huge puddles of wet on top. I wasn't sure whether it was pure ice underneath until I saw a car driving on it. What an idiot! I watched for a few minutes and then left as I didn't want to watch them fall through the ice!

I went back to the tournament to see the team play their last game. They came seventh out of fourteen. It was their first tournament so it wasn't a bad performance. I drove them all back to school where they had around 30minutes left of school and I came home for a cup of tea. I'm feeling a bit fed up (probably hormonal), I don't know if it's because I find the other mums distant and not overly friendly or if it's because I don't feel like I've done much this week, I don't know!!!! I had a FaceTime with HB and Aunt Pear which cheered me up.

The boys came home and practiced piano for HB and Aunt Pear as HB decided that would be their chore for going on the XBox. I made dinner and Huffle and Small went off to football practice. Alfie got 1 goal. The goalie was CoachOlDHead. Huffle has sent an email to a different club asking if Smallest can try out for their team and we are hoping to go on Monday. Smallest and I stayed at home and played chess (it was a stalemate) and finished watching Paddington and started Toy Story2. So busy.



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