Monday 6 March 2017

Rohhhhhbin Hood

Another shock to the system having to get up this morning after a bad night's sleep. Can't explain why! The boys went to school with another new driver who carried a sheet of paper with the kids names and addresses on. When he got to ClownRose's house he asked her how to get to the school. Fills us with confidence that these drivers know what they are doing.

I left Huffle working and eating breakfast in the kitchen and went off to Di's house for a crochet session. Today Miche was missing but we started a monkey head. We did increasing and decreasing and almost made a round shape. I left them with the pattern which they may or may not continue. We have a break for a week due to March Break but I asked them to at least get to the neck part so we could continue next time. I made mine into a ball, filled it with chick peas and gave it to Smallest. He liked it. Now I have to finish off one for Small and make another for Huffle. Maybe that will stop them biting their fingers, picking their nose or twiddling their eyebrows (I won't say which one does what).

I had a lovely message when I got home thanking me for the good work and inspiration which was nice. I am really enjoying the crocheting. 1pm I went to my excercise with ExerciseNic where we worked our upper bodies, went on the treadmill and did lots of weights and planky things.

At home I had time for a cup of tea and a slice of bread before going out for a walk with ClownRose and LittleFin. It was cool but not too bad. We walked until the bus came back with my munchkins on it.

I prepared dinner while the boys did their stuff before Piano. MrsPiano came late, we ate and then all went off to the Scout Camp for an evening of Archery. Both boys did very well. We stayed quite late but neither Huffle nor I had a go. The kids enjoyed it.




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